I broke down today
A beautiful morning in Tokyo... Golden Week is starting in Japan on Friday with Showa Day to celebrate the birthday of former Emperor Showa. Constitution Day is on Tuesday remembering the new constitution, which was put into effect after World War II. Wednesday is Greenery Day is a day dedicated to plants and nature. Thursday is Children's Day where Families pray for the health and future success of their sons by hanging up carp streamers and displaying samurai dolls, both symbolizing strength, power and success in life. A lot of people take off next Monday and Friday and get 8 days off for two vacation days... I will be doing that next week as well so lots of time for family and shooting starting Friday!
Note: All shots today were take with a Leica M9, Summilux 21mm f/1.4 with an ND4, iso 160, various shutter speeds and a 21mm viewfinder.
My drive way in Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan
I woke up with a bit of a sore throat today....probably from pushing too hard to get through my week and get caught up so I can take off from Friday.
Buying cough drops in Tokyo
My throat really started to hurt this morning. The kind of sore throat that hurts when you swallow...yuk! I went quickly to see Dr. Hisano to get some Japanese drugs....
Dr Hisano in Shinjuku Maynds Tower
Dr Hisano in Shinjuku Maynds Tower
Off to get my prescription filled...
Pharmacy in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Pharmacy in Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Shinjuku Maynds Tower
I had a very busy day...I ran out for a quick lunch.
Sun Route Hotel in Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
The seduction became too much... I needed a little bit of comfort food....
McDonalds in Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
McDonalds in Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
McDonalds in Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
The Mega Teriyaki Burger... 905 calorie burger...500 calories for fries...and a diet coke (what's the point). I am not proud.... Honestly, I expected more. It was good but very 'slippery' and just didn't have the 'wow' taste I was looking for. It of course sat like rock in my stomach for the rest of the day...I won't repeat that again soon.
The Mega Teriyaki Burger at McDonald's in Tokyo, Japan
Dark Shinjuku...I miss the glow of the neon. I needed to enter the 'darkness' to pick up a backup ND4 filter I ordered at Map Camera that arrived.
Dark Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
I was surprised how much neon was actually turned on. I guess it just shows how much used to be turned on.
Shinjuku Neon, Tokyo, Japan
Shinjuku Neon, Tokyo, Japan
Shinjuku Neon, Tokyo, Japan
Map Camera...I like this place so much better than the Mega Stores.
Map Camera Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
Map Camera Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
I could so easily spend a small fortune in this store...
Map Camera Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
Any guesses what this is? The Leica M9 Titanium #165, price tag: 2,200,000 yen (~$27,500). Already sold...
Map Camera Shinjuku Tokyo Japan
Home sweet home...
My drive way in Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan
Thanks for stopping by today...