The Inevitable
I've been reading The Inevitable - Understanding the 12 Technological Forces That Will Shape Our Future lately. It's an really interesting look at what our future will be like from a technology perspective in 30 years. It's written by Kevin Kelly the founder of Wired magazine. He does a great job of laying out all of the different technologies in our lives, how they were initially perceived, how they are perceived now and the impact they have on our lives, culture and society. He talks about how these technologies will continue to evolve, merge, and ultimately be very central in how we work, live and interact.
It's a 'big thinker' kind of book but a fascinating read that will leave you thinking for hours after you put the book down. If you are looking to exercise your mind and imagination I suggest picking it up.
Today's Configuration: Leica M9-P with various Leica lenses.
Tokyo doesn't seem like a cost effective place to run a tree farm.
Japanese Trees
I know the english is technically correct but it is a funny read.
Train Station Signs
There is a soy ice cream place near my house. I never had much soy before but find myself eating, drinking, consuming more and more of it. I haven't made the switch to using soy milk for my coffee yet but maybe one day. For the summer I'll ease myself into it with more soy ice cream.
Jiyugaoka Ice Cream
I've been working in Roppongi Hills for years but I'm still constantly amazed by the size of it. It's just absolutely massive. I've worked on 39, 30 and currently on 29. The building has 54 floors so I'm sitting a little more than half way up. I think it's a good height to get shoot photos of Tokyo. 39 was also good. I took my favorite shot of Mt Fuji from 39. Much higher than that and I think you look like of the view of the ground.
You can actually photograph from the roof of this building for a small fee. I haven't been up there since 2011 but was able to get some nice shots. Maybe it's time for another trip up there soon.
I still get great shots from the 29th floor...
Tokyo Tower
Mt Fuji decided to come out...even if it was for just a few hours.
Mt Fuji
I wish Tully's had free WiFi. I would love to sit out here sometimes and work.
I'll be buying this gold suit...
Gold Suit
I hate to admit this but I think my Instagram shot of this came out much better.
Roppongi Police Station
I walk by this place each week on the way to guitar class. It looks so good. I really want to try it one day...
Pound-Ya Roppongi
I haven't done any Me in the Mirror shots for a while...
Me In The Mirror
I was heading out to dinner last week with a few colleagues and a guy was riding his bike and got into an accident with one of those small food delivery motorcycles. He didn't speak Japanese so my colleagues were kind enough to translate for him.
Tokyo Police
The photo above and the photos below were all taken with my Ricoh GR. It is the best little point and shoot. It's always in the bottom of my bag. I end up taking a few hundred photos with it and eventually remember to upload them to Lightroom. I am always pleasantly surprised by the quality of the images that come out of the camera. It handles low light very well for a camera of this size.
Joumon Roppongi
The other thing that's inevitable is if I am going out to eat in Roppongi I'm going to end up at Joumon. I love this place!
Joumon Roppongi
While this is one of my favorite restaurants to eat at I have never seen the english menu before. So many amazing dishes I have been missing; bone of the soft pork, sesami tofu, hum cutlets in cheese, sharp taste ground meat noodles, apple cinamon, gel seaweed, lettuce cheese by the pork roll, snap peans, braised pork berry, and corn deep frying. I can't belief that basically every single item on the menu is spelled wrong.
Joumon Roppongi
Thanks for stopping by today. Be well.