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Fresh and Focused

Fresh and Focused

I hope everyone took some time off at the end of the year and was able to spend time with family and loved ones.  I was able to take a little more than 2 weeks off which was really needed.   The new year is here so it's time to shake off the holiday attitude and be fresh and focused for a fast start to the new year. I love the cleaning that happens at year end all around Japan.   I had a bit of time to catch up on ShootTokyo and work with Tomasz the photographer and developer who helps me out with the site from time to time.   As I mentioned in my last post I redesigned the home page and created a start here page for new people.

ShootTokyo has grown considerably and the site is now approaching 40GB of data.  Performance had begun to suffer I made some long overdue performance enhancements to the site.  It should be nice and speedy for you now.

Today's Configuration: Leica M9-P with a Summilux 50mm f/1.4, Summilux 35mm f/1.4 and Summicron 28mm f/2.0

Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime

I usually set big goals to start the year but I think my focus for 2016 is going to be continuing to remain balanced across my focus areas; family, work, photography, studying Japanese and learning guitar.  I was able to balance work and life as best I could, found a good groove in studying Japanese and learning guitar.

I want to focus a bit more on photography again starting with getting back to wearing my camera everywhere I go again.  I got out of that the last few months.

Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime
Jiyugaoka Shrime

I look forward to see what 2016 has in store.

Be well.

Film for a while

Film for a while

They Don't Serve Ketchup

They Don't Serve Ketchup