Fuji Astia Film
My friend David gave me a roll of Astia 100F last year and since I have been in love with this film. If you have never had the pleasure of looking at a piece of slide film on a light table you are missing something pretty special. It is magical. Sadly after falling in love with Asita I learned that it actually wasn't made anymore! I was lucky enough to find a few rolls of 120 and 45 rolls of 135 on eBay in the US. I shot my first rolls of the 135 last weekend and got my negatives back tonight. It expired a few years ago and I was really worried that they haven't stored it properly but thankfully everything looks great. I'll post these up in the coming days but here is preview of what you are in store for...
Astia is a beautiful film but requires you to find the right balance of light as it has a limited dynamic range so highlights turn to pure white and shadows to pure black. You need the right lighting conditions to be successful shooting Asita. I had a roll of Astia 120 so I loaded into my Hasselblad to give it a try.
Today's configuration: Hasselblad 501cm with a Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm shot on Astia 100 yummilicous film
The last two frames I think are ideal lighting conditions for Asita. Limited direct sunlight. Dark backgrounds to the subject.
Close(d). I think as a public service I am going to carry around some D stickers to apply to all of the 'close' signs I see around town.
Thanks for stopping by today...