The adventures of Danbo
One great and fun photography tool is Revoltech's Danbo. It is a great way to practice your skills. You can work on your technical skills like mixing ISO, aperture and shutter speed to get a proper exposure. You can work on your framing, creativity, and focus points. The great thing is you can work on it at your own pace as your model will patiently wait. It's also a lot of fun.
If you don't know Danbo, he is a toy cardboard robot from the Japanese cartoon Yotsubato/Yotsuba. There are a couple of different version. You can buy a lot of them on or Ebay. Give it a's a great way to hone your photography skills and you might be surprised on the good shots that you are going to get.
Thanks Danbo!
I'm starving...what the hell is this stuff? mi-ne-su-tu-ro....I have no idea.
Getting ready for street photography...
Big City Lights...
Danbo's darkest moment...
A big break in the 'Danbo Headhunting' case...
What the f&@k is this thing?
There is a website where they are talking about us?
Holy Crap! can't let people take your photo. You never know what they are going to do with it. Now it's on what is called a website and people are coming they want to 'buy' you...weird.
OK this is just getting weird...
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