Autumn in Tokyo
Don't you just love autumn in Tokyo? I was able to catch a few free minutes at Yoyogi Park over the weekend. This one was my favorite shots of the weekend. I snapped the same scene last winter with no leaves but like this view more.
Downtown Shinjuku
A few shots around Yoyogi Park
At one of the temples I was shooting at the other day, I noticed the grounds keepers shed has these bright vines growing on it. I thought the contrast was nice...
While driving home the other day from the store I took a detour to see all of the Paparazzi hanging out in front of Ebizo-san's house(famous Japaneses Kabuki actor who was beaten up last week) hoping to snap a photo as he returns from the hospital. Trying to find my way back home I stumbled upon this house. Don't you hate when you and your neighbors have differing opinions on appropriate levels of house and lawn maintenance?
Thanks for stopping by today...