FujiFilm x100: Day 1
Today was my first day shooting with my new FujiFilm x100. This is such a fun camera to shoot with. I shot some 'familiar' shots so I compare these with some of my Leica shots. 今日x100はじめてつかいました。 このカメラはおもしろいです。
Heading out the door
My parking lot
Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan
Much easier for me to get these type of 'street shots'. The one thing I love about this camera is when you shoot through the viewfinder, when you snap, you get a 1 second preview of the shoot you just took in the viewfinder. It is a very cool feature.
Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan
Nakameguro Station Taxi stand...
Taxi in Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan
Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan
The madness of the morning train rush...
Nakameguro Station
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Ad, Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Yoyogi Station...
Yoyogi Station, Tokyo, Japan
Yoyogi Station, Tokyo, Japan
Yoyogi Station, Tokyo, Japan
Escalators are back...
Yoyogi Station, Tokyo, Japan
Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan
Dave at the office...
Dave Powell aka Shoot Tokyo
Testing out the bokeh on Kid Robot... you can get a pretty shallow depth of field.
Kid Robot
Tokyo, Japan
Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Calling number #511....
Grab a quick Starbucks lunch at my desk...need to keep hustling...
My Starbucks lunch at my desk
Starbucks Coffee
Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
The FujiFilm x100 is very responsive at night. I was shooting at is0 500, f/2 and acceptable shutter speeds with no visible noise in the photos. A lot of the reviews I have read say you can really jack up the ISO on this. I'll need to test this out a bit.
Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Shinjuku Station...
Shinjuku Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shinjuku Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Station... it's amazing how many people there are around this station.
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
Shibuya Station, Tokyo, Japan
First impressions after day one; a great new addition. I think this will be my camera of choice when I am out with Kai as well as it is very fast to focus and snap a nice picture.
Japanese Word of the Day: 欲しい (ほしい) – want, wished for, in need of, desire
I wanted the x100 so I bought it.
Hopefully you like what you saw today, so if you did, please feel free to share with your friends by clicking one of the links below or leave a comment and jump in the conversation. Thanks. See you tomorrow!