Monday on the train
Early tomorrow morning I head to Hong Kong on a business trip. I need to get up at 5:30am. Yikes! I am going to miss this walk down my street each morning... I love the little quiet street that leads me to the progressively busier Tokyo as I commute. あしたのあさ5:30におきます。ホンコンへ出張に行きます。
Today’s Configuration: Leica M9 with a Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 with ND4 with a 1.4x magnifier.
今日のカメラ:私のライカM9をつかいます。レンズはNoctilux 50mm f/0.95とND4をつかいました。
Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan 中目黒 東京 日本
Nakameguro, Tokyo, Japan 中目黒 東京 日本
Shibuya Station...
Shibuya Station, 渋谷駅
Shibuya Station, 渋谷駅
With the projected blackouts coming in the summer, I imagine the trains will be without air conditioning. It was already hot today, I can only imagine what this coming summer will be like...
Shibuya Station, 渋谷駅
Think this...without air conditioning...
Shibuya Station, 渋谷駅
Yoyogi Station...
Yoyogi Station 代々木駅
Yoyogi Station 代々木駅
Yoyogi Station 代々木駅
Wild Health
Pretty Rail Road Crossing
Citibank, Tokyo, Japan
Lottery booth in front of Shinjuku Station
Lottery, Tokyo, Japan
Shinjuku Station
Shinjuku Station
Line up nicely...
Train Manners
No Smoking
Yamanote Line
Japanese Word of the Day: 宝くじ(たからくじ)takarakuji – lottery
There is a lottery selling booth in front of Shibuya Station.