Mattresses, Sushi and Frogs
I spend today shooting the FujiFilm x100... A lot of people have asked me which photos I shot with it so today is all x100. This is a great little camera. It is by no means a replacement to my Leica but it's a great side kick. I shot everything in aperture priority at f/2.0 and ISO varies but less than 400.
I love how I live in an upscale neighborhood but there is graffiti... it seems like a Japanese way to allow things to naturally come into balance.
Now this is marketing genius at work. In Japan, Starbucks prints on the bottom of their receipts 'One More Coffee' where you can buy one more coffee in the same day for 100 yen (about a dollar). It's brilliant. For someone like me who is fueled on coffee it gets me back in every day... often at lunch time where I get more than just my coffee.
My GPS...
We went to buy a new mattress for our bed...
A shockingly large number of choices...
I know these brands...
Off to Ougi Sushi for a quick lunch...
Our Sushi Chef told us he has been doing this for 50 years...
Stopped off at Tully's for some coffee and an ice creme...
We passed this on the way through Harajuku...
I decided to go for a walk before dinner...
Awesome Hat...
I stopped off and got Kai a little plastic frog...
If you like what you saw today, please share it by clicking one of the links below. Thanks and see you tomorrow!