A short walk in Sydney
I held a photo walk yesterday and went for a short walk in Sydney while it threaten to rain. It was gray and dark a lot of the day with bits of blue skies poking through. I haven't had a lot of time to explore Sydney so it was nice to get out in the city and see what Sydney has to offer...
We met up on the steps of the Sydney Oprah House... About 15 people braved the confusing weather and joined me for a short walk around Sydney.
..and the weather was confusing. Gray skies in one direction and bright blue in the other.
Is that John Stamos??
These birds were everywhere...
Dangerous seats...
Old School...
I'm strangely attracted to these types of signs...
Lots of street performers by the water front...I was getting some glowing around his head from some reason? chromatic aberration or ??
Mark tried out my Noctilux...
Check out that weird sky. Half storm half beautiful day...
and then turn 180 degrees and beautiful skies...
Aussie Police... I wonder if there is an Aussie version of COPS. I bet that would be a cool show.
You know...in case people were trying to find us.
Public Service Announcement: These people do not want you to take photos...
We walked around The Rocks... and found a Wedding Party.
A Wedding Party coffee break...
...and an Aussie size dog. I think this dog could eat most dogs in Tokyo.
Stopped off for a beer...
Thanks to everyone who come yesterday and thanks for stopping by today...