Wide Angle Diet
I was having issues with my Canon 16-24mm lens where it was getting stuck (not sure of the technical term) and I couldn't zoom in or out. Thankfully the service in Japan is so wonderful I dropped it off and it was ready in a few days with a charge of zero yen! I love Japan. Since I needed to pick this up this was my lens of choice for today's shooting.
I really love this lens and it is one of my favorite lenses to shoot on my Canon along with my 24-70. They make up for about 90% of my shots on my Canon. Nothing feels like a wide angel and has the ability to pull you into the photo.
While I was out in Shinjuku I decided to grab a bite at my favorite sushi place 'Tokyo Kaiten Sushi'. The staff are extremely friendly and the food is excellent. They asked me why I didn't flee with the rest of the Americans like they heard on CNNj. Too funny...
My favorite thing to eat here is Negi Toro Maki. I usually eat two plates every time. If you are not a sushi person, try this and you will be. It is so great.
I grab a few shots on the way back to my car. I love how a city looks through a wide angle lens.
I stopped by my favorite Leica Shop in Tokyo, Map Camera. It is probably my favorite because it is 5 minutes from my office but they also have an excellent selection, great and knowledgable staff and Tokyo Kaiten Sushi is right around the corner. I could spent so much money in this store without even trying...more on this below.
Passed through this store and it happen to be completely stocked except for ChuHi (alcoholic drink). Strange that there was a run on this...
OK... So I have been thinking over this one for a while now. I have fallen completely in love with my Leica and the amazing shots it can take. I love the weight and portability of it and my lenses. You get a different reaction from people when you ask to take their picture. I honestly think there is nothing else like it. I enjoy my Canon equipment but really only a small portion of it. After a lot of consideration I did what many SLR shooters have done once they started shooting Leica and today I shed myself of the majority of my Canon and SLR gear. I am only keepings two lens for rainy days when I don't want to get my Leica wet and family events when I want to be a little more carefree with my shooting.
Canon 5DMK2
Canon 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
Canon 24-70mm f2.8L USM
Canon 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM
Canon 50mm f/1.2L USM
Canon 85MM f/1.2L II USM
Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L MACRO IS USM
Canon 135mm F/2L USM
Canon 200mm F/2.8 USM (kept for moon shots with my 1.4x teleconverter)
Flashes, Stands, Reflectors
Too many accessories to count.
From one of my negotiations today... everything is negotiable, even in Tokyo.
Back to wide angel shots and Takoyaki (Octopus Balls)
McDonald's supporting the 'prevent blackout campaign'
I love how a wide angel pulls you into the scene.
Ah so back to my Leica shop....since I went on a diet and shed all of this camera weight I feel the need to snack. I picked up the Summilux 21mm f/1.4 for my Leica so I can see the wide angle world in Leica color!
This will now be my primary photography family; Leica M9, Summilux 35mm f/1.4, Noctilux 50mm f/0.95 and Summilux 21mm f/1.4.
Sadly it was raining tonight and I couldn't bring my new lens out for a walk but captured this from my hallway... I can't wait to see how the world looks through this lens. Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Thanks for stopping by today...