Driving around Tokyo
I am in a black and white kind of mood this week... Today’s Configuration: Fuji Film x100.
今日のカメラ:Fuji Film x100をつかいます。
One thing I love in Japan is all of the cool cars. I drive by a old VW dealer today that was loaded with old Vans. Expect to see a VW posting in the near future when I get a chance to get back there.
Mini Cooper
Tully's Breakfast in Tokyo
Mayumi and I had lunch the other day Denny's... I love Denny's.
Denny's in Tokyo
The Shoot Tokyo Audi S4
Denny's in Tokyo
Denny's in Tokyo
Quatre...the best cake shop in Tokyo...I remembered how surprised I was seeing Tokyo outside of the business districts for the first time. Tokyo is made up of a lot of wards and towns. I thought I would show you some of this today and in the days to come.
Quatre in Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Tokyo, Japan
Dave of ShootTokyo
Tokyo, Japan
Mayumi and I stopped for a coffee and I noticed a Lotus Dealer across the street.
Lotus Dealer in Tokyo, Japan
Lotus Dealer in Tokyo, Japan
Lotus Dealer in Tokyo, Japan
Royal Host...the Japanese Denny's...
Royal Host in Tokyo, Japan
Royal Host in Tokyo, Japan
Japanese Word of the Day: 区 く - Ku
Tokyo has 23 wards.
If you like what you saw today, please share it by clicking one of the links below. Thanks and see you tomorrow!