Rolling with the Tokyo Cranks
I had the pleasure of meeting up with the Tokyo Cranks and riding along Tamagawa River this morning. Tokyo Cranks is an international group of Japanese and long term foreign residents in Japan that meet up on Sundays for a casual cycle and coffee talk. Up at 6AM for a 7:15 meet up at Futako Tamagawa Station. I didn't know how to get there so I used Google Maps on my iPhone to find my way. I hate to admit it but I have never used that feature and it was great! I know, welcome to 2011 Dave... Today’s Configuration: FujiFilm x100.
Futako Tamagawa Station
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
Tamagawa River is famous for BBQ parties and playing sports. It is a great river and with us moving to Jiyugaoka, it is only about 4km away...
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
After about 8km or so, we headed toward Seijo...
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
It was fun to explore some new neighborhoods in Tokyo.
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
Riding along Tamagawa River with the Tokyo Cranks
We used one of the indoor parking garages for bikes... see people there is no need to park everywhere...
Bike Parking in Japan
Seijogakuen Mae Station
We took over the front of Starbucks...
Starbucks at Seijogakuen Mae Station
Starbucks at Seijogakuen Mae Station
He looked sweet and friendly...but you will notice his lip starting to came teeth and barking.
Starbucks at Seijogakuen Mae Station
Coffee with Tokyo Cranks at Starbucks at Seijogakuen Mae Station
Coffee with Tokyo Cranks at Starbucks at Seijogakuen Mae Station
After about 45 minutes of chatting we all went our separate ways...
Coffee with Tokyo Cranks at Starbucks at Seijogakuen Mae Station
Riding with Tokyo Cranks
Riding with Tokyo Cranks
I never realized but there are a lot of cops looking to stop people on bikes. A lot of people on bikes just blow red lights and stop signs but it is best to follow the rules as you can actually get points on your driver's license. All I need is a 3rd trip to the Saturday Bad Driver School in Tokyo... I really want to watch the 2 hour movie "How My Actions Can Impact Others" again.
Riding with Tokyo Cranks
Riding with Tokyo Cranks
We raced. I lost. Back home by 10:30 after 35km of riding. What a great way to start a Sunday Morning...
Ferrari Club Japan
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