Tokyo Hacker Space and Safecast
Today’s Configuration: Canon 5D MK2 with a Canon L Series 24-70mm f/2.8 with a Canon 580 EX with1/2 CTB gel. 今日のカメラ:私のCanon 5D MK2をつかいます。レンズはCanon L シリーズ24-70mm f/2.8とCanon580をつかいました。
Shijuku, Tokyo, Japan....
Shinjuku, Tokyo, Japan
Meet my friend Pieter...and check out his cool Fuji Film x100 and more importantly notice what is in his left hand.
こちらが私のともだちピーターです。 ピーターのかっこいいFujiFilmのx100です。ピーターのひだりの手になにがありますか?
Pieter Franken
This is the world's first iGeigie - a portable Geiger Counter with iPhone dock. It has a Glass Geiger Tube can detect beta and gamma radiation. Runs on mophie juice pack. It interfaces with iPhone through line-in interface and has the ability to call the iGigie and list to clicks. I am not sure I actually follow all of that but it basically means he turned his iPhone into a portable Geiger counter. Cool! Pieter is 'wicked' smart...
iGeigieです。ピーターはあたまがいいです。 iPhoneをガイガー計数管(けいすうかん)にかえました。すごい!
Pieter Franken
Pieter asked me to join him at Tokyo Hacker Space after work the other day to help him document some of the work being done at
しごとのあとで私はピーターと東京ハッカースペースに行きました。 Safecast.orgのしごとをみに行きました。
Yoyogi, Tokyo, Japan
The train to Shirokanedai
The train to Shirokanedai
The train to Shirokanedai
The train to Shirokanedai
The long walk to the exit...
Shirokanedai Station
Shirokanedai Station
Shirokanedai Station
Shirokanedai Station
A lot of escalators across Japan are still closed to save electricity...
Shirokanedai Station
Shirokanedai Station
No parking of 3 bikes...
Orderly bike parking sign
Tokyo Stop Sign on street
Tokyo Stop Sign on street
Tokyo Hacker Space, 5-11-11 Shiroganedai, Tokyo, 108-0071, Japan.
I did a little research on what a Hacker Space is before heading down; here is what Wikipedia had to say; A hackerspace or hackspace (also referred to as a hacklab, makerspace or creative space) is a location where people with common interests, usually in computers, technology, science or digital or electronic art can meet, socialise and/or collaborate. A hackerspace can be viewed as an open community labs incorporating elements of machine shops, workshops and/or studios where hackers can come together to share resources and knowledge to build and make things.
As one of the hackers at THS said "it is a place where geeks can meet geeks and be geeks". All I know is I was the least smartest person in the room...
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
The group meet ups each Tuesday. It is a friendly polite group for technology exchange with their motto "you teach me...I teach you". There is open discussion and debate on technology and how things work...
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Pieter Franken
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
There is stuff for 'building things' all over the place...
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Here is one of the groups recent projects... Kimono Lanterns. It is an alternative lighting source they worked out to be a source of lighting for Tohoku or if blackouts come in the summer in Tokyo.
Kimono Lantern at Tokyo Hacker Space
Kimono Lantern at Tokyo Hacker Space
Kimono Lantern at Tokyo Hacker Space
Kimono Lantern at Tokyo Hacker Space
The Tokyo Hacker's bookshelf...
Books at Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
A demo of another project; a hacked lock to be a key pad so you can have a keypad lock for your house.
Tokyo Hacker Space
I learnt a little bit about photographing LCDs here.... These are actually scrolling messages so if you snap it too fast you won't catch the entire message.
Here is the shot @ 1/180 of a second
Tokyo Hacker Space
@ 1/250 of a second.
Tokyo Hacker Space
@ 1/60 of a second....this gets the entire message.
Tokyo Hacker Space
Here is another project being demo'd...
Tokyo Hacker Space
A motherboard for building out geiger counters...
Motherboard for a Geiger Counter
There was discussion about converting this cigarette machine into an electronics venting machine.
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Here is a photo of me with a dumb look on my face...but I am playing with a very cool Fuji Film X100 so it's OK...
私はFujiFilmx100といます。ほしいです。。。 私のへんがおです。
Dave Powell with a Fuji Film x100
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Pieter Franken
Pieter Franken
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
Tokyo Hacker Space
At the end of the evening there was a discussion on the work being done at Safecast. Safecast is helping to build out crowd sourced radiation detection monitoring. Here is what Safecast is all about: "The ongoing crisis in Japan has highlighted our collective need for trusted information. This site is not meant as a replacement for government or nuclear agencies. Our hope is that data sets from various places can provide additional context to the official statements in these rapidly changing events. We welcome your thoughts on how to improve the site, and appreciate your work to provide a richer understanding of these events."
Safecast has already raised $37,000 USD. You can contribute HERE.
Pieter Franken
The Safecast Gang...
A future model...
Japanese Word of the Day: にんたいづよい nintaizuyoi – persevering, very patient
Mayumi is patient with my Japanese learning.
See you tomorrow!!