Two for Tuesday
I just finished packing and have a 1am flight to Frankfurt with a connection to Dublin. I know a lot of people don't like red eye flights but they really are perfect for me. I sleep really well on planes. It is a 12 hour flight to Germany, I have a 5 hour layover and then it's a 2 hour flight to Dublin. I can basically sleep most of the flight and it will be midday when I arrive in Dublin. It's almost 24 hours door to door with transit to and from the airport. I'll probably do email and read on the layover. Hopefully I only sleep half the flight or so I can I read a bit and perhaps watch a movie depending on what is playing. I am reading American Sniper right now. I find military stories fascinating. None of these people caused the situation they are in, governments did, they are just responding. I hope to make a bit dent in the book on my way over then need to pick my next book to read.
What are you reading right now?
I was going back and fourth on what size suitcase to use. I went with the smaller one. The bigger the suitcase the more stuff you think you need for your trip. Let's see how I do on this trip with the smaller bag. I couldn't decide what I wanted to shoot so I packed my M9 and my M Monochrom and a 21, 28, 35 and 50. I have two entire days for shooting so I really want to make the most of it.
I loved these cones when I saw them. The sign simply reads 'danger'...
Today's Configuration: Leica M Monochrom with a Summicron 28mm f/2.0
This police station has cones 'at the ready' able to deploy in a moments notice if needed...
Police Box Directions
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